1st Day!!

Not the 1st day of school. Not even the 1st day of a new job. Today was my 1st day at my 1st genealogy conference!!! It was also day #2 of our "Griswold Family Vacation" and day #2 that I had to wake up early enough to be on the road by 6:30 am. Although not normally a bright and cheery morning person, I was awake, showered, dressed, and wondering if we REALLY had to stop and eat breakfast first, but apparently, feeding children is one of my responsibilities as "mom"...so just as soon as bellies were full, we were on the road from Sandusky to Ft. Wayne! Not everyone shared my excitement of what today held in store... "Clark" (Griswold) pulled up in front of the Grand Wayne Convention Center, and I was off and running for my 1st experience surrounded by fellow genealogists! I was prepared with my backpack and pre-registered, so I checked-in...and was handed a complimentary bag. Hmmm...backpack AND bag? Not a problem, I can carry both, fold ...