What to Bring, What to Bring?
What does one bring to a genealogical conference anyway? I had this thought almost immediately after registering for this year's FGS Conference in Ft. Wayne. I was too excited just knowing that I was actually going, but now I had to discern what to bring? I mean, OTHER than my toothbrush and footie-pajamas? This is my first conference and I have to admit, I'm feeling a little green with regards to conference protocol. I'm the noob. I may have been doing this genealogy gig for years, but to actually network with real, LIVE human beings and not just the dead ones from my family? I'm feeling very...uncertain. The "problem" being that this trip to Indiana is at the tail-end of our family vacation time. The last leg in our journey through Gettysburg, Washington D.C., a brief stop in Ohio for a day at Cedar Point to keep the monkey children from rebelling, and THEN I will finally be there. Yep...hubby and monkey children will be accompany...