2010: 40 Thoughts in 40 Days

I am not getting old.  I don't think I look old.  I wonder if that saying is true? "You're only as old as you feel?"

Well I don't feel old... Except for during hubby's vacation weeks when he keeps us all jumping from one day to the next.  Then I feel old.  And tired.  Today for instance, on the last day of his 2 week  vacation...I'm feeling exhausted and ancient.

But I still don't think I'm old.

But in August 2010...I had an "old" moment.  I think it stemmed from a memory I had of my parents going to their 20th high school reunion, and then all of sudden...without warning...I was going to my own 20th reunion, and the realization that...oh my god...I'm as old as my parents once were.  (And we all know that our parents are always and have always been perpetually "old")

It was a small graduating class, unless you graduated from a one room school house.  My own children will graduate in a class of approximately 300 kids, so yeah - my meager little class of 51 was relatively small.  But a perk to having a class that size...I can name every one of my classmates.  I can even name classmates I went to school with for only a short time before they moved out of the district.  And apparently, they all made an affect on us who stayed at Edon High School, because they remained dear to us, in our memories and sometimes as close friends with us...even to this day.

My 20 year class reunion was an amazing time because we made a point of inviting people many of us hadn't seen in years...not just since graduation, but since former classmates had moved away.  And they came!  My best girlfriend from jr. high came from Kentucky and a girlfriend I hadn't seen since FIRST GRADE!  All I know is Facebook was a wonder worker in getting in touch with so many people.  Even if they weren't able to make it to the reunion, we've been put back together with friends that we've known...forever!

No.  I'm not getting old.  Going to my 20th high school reunion doesn't make me old.  And looking directly into the face of someone whose name I swore I'd never be able to forget, and drawing a complete blank...that doesn't make me old either.  A little forgetful, maybe, but not old.  Let's face it, 20 years can change how a person looks.  Not necessarily a bad thing, we're all just...different.

But get us back together, throw some Def Leppard into the mix, and it was Friday night in northwest Ohio all over again.  It's good when life doesn't change us so much that we can't be ourselves with those who used to know us best.

