1993: 40 Thoughts in 40 Days
Here comes the bride!
In 1993, "the boyfriend" became "the husband" and I became a married woman at the tender age of {gulp} 21.
It wasn't a quick decision, it took him two years to pop the question - but it was a quick engagement.
(4 months - yikes!)
We had been dating since April of 1991, this tallboy man and I, whom I had met when I began attending a new church. Two and a half years later, I was making my way down the aisle as his bride, to become Mrs. D. My brother was giving me away, mom was in the front row crying, my uncle came in from Oklahoma to help us celebrate the day, and the "grandparent photo" had more people in it than our wedding party photo due to all of the step-families and remarriages.
Who could have asked for a better day? (Okay I could have done without the overcast skies, rain, and chilly temperature.)
It took 902 days of getting to know him before I married him. And yet, almost 19 years later - he can still surprise me. But he knows me, he laughs at my jokes, shakes his head at my clumsiness, and puts up with me when I go off on one of my tyrades. He can also bug me, annoy me, and frustrate me to no end with his never-ending practicality.
But let's just chalk that all up as part of his charm. :)
In 1993, "the boyfriend" became "the husband" and I became a married woman at the tender age of {gulp} 21.
It wasn't a quick decision, it took him two years to pop the question - but it was a quick engagement.
(4 months - yikes!)
We had been dating since April of 1991, this tall
Who could have asked for a better day? (Okay I could have done without the overcast skies, rain, and chilly temperature.)
It took 902 days of getting to know him before I married him. And yet, almost 19 years later - he can still surprise me. But he knows me, he laughs at my jokes, shakes his head at my clumsiness, and puts up with me when I go off on one of my tyrades. He can also bug me, annoy me, and frustrate me to no end with his never-ending practicality.