2 February 1945
Our soldier reported to Camp Maxey in Texas on December 9th, 1944 - just 5 days after getting married. His new bride stayed in nearby Paris, Texas, renting out a room to stay at another couple's home while he was busy with his training on base. Only a small number of letters (that have already been shared) exist for this time period. Whether it was because there weren't many, or they weren't kept, or perhaps both - is anyone's guess. The next letter is no longer address from our soldier in Texas, nor is it addressed to anyone in Texas. But rather, our soldier has relocated to Ft. Meade in Maryland, and his letter is addressed to his wife at her mother's home in Converse, Indiana.
Ft. Meade
My dearest wife,
Well beautiful I will try to drop you a few more lines. I don't have anything to talk about so don't plan on much. I did go to Baltimore yesterday and made it back all in one piece just a few minutes ago. Oh yes, glamour puss I did get my G.I. haircut also yesterday before I left, but back to my trip to Baltimore. I have never in my life done anything that was more of a failure than that trip was. About all I did was eat pie, drink milk, and look the town over. I had $3.35 when I left here and I still have more than a dollar so you see how much I spent. I went to the show before I left Baltimore this afternoon and I don't know how it happened but it was a good show. It was "The Marry Way" (**I did a search for this film, and couldn't seem to come up with anything except one that was released three years later. If anyone can guess what this one might be, shoot me a message!)
I don't know if I told you in my letter yesterday or not but they seperated Jimmy and me again. He is in the barracks next to me again. I wished my name began with "B" instead of "H".
Thinking of names that begin with "B", have you heard from Paul yet?As soon as you do honey I want you to let me know and if I am still here send me his letter (Please).
Well darling I can't think of much more so will close for now as I want to write my mother and dad. Say hon, you have all my love so if you can spare part of it give it to mom and give her a kiss for me. I will close now dearest thinking of Sis and the rest of the family, but mostly you.
I will be yours,
First, Last, and Always
Ft. Meade
My dearest wife,
Well beautiful I will try to drop you a few more lines. I don't have anything to talk about so don't plan on much. I did go to Baltimore yesterday and made it back all in one piece just a few minutes ago. Oh yes, glamour puss I did get my G.I. haircut also yesterday before I left, but back to my trip to Baltimore. I have never in my life done anything that was more of a failure than that trip was. About all I did was eat pie, drink milk, and look the town over. I had $3.35 when I left here and I still have more than a dollar so you see how much I spent. I went to the show before I left Baltimore this afternoon and I don't know how it happened but it was a good show. It was "The Marry Way" (**I did a search for this film, and couldn't seem to come up with anything except one that was released three years later. If anyone can guess what this one might be, shoot me a message!)
I don't know if I told you in my letter yesterday or not but they seperated Jimmy and me again. He is in the barracks next to me again. I wished my name began with "B" instead of "H".
Thinking of names that begin with "B", have you heard from Paul yet?As soon as you do honey I want you to let me know and if I am still here send me his letter (Please).
Well darling I can't think of much more so will close for now as I want to write my mother and dad. Say hon, you have all my love so if you can spare part of it give it to mom and give her a kiss for me. I will close now dearest thinking of Sis and the rest of the family, but mostly you.
I will be yours,
First, Last, and Always