Happy Birthday To Me!

Okay, I'm really not one to toot my own horn...but I love my birthday! It ranks right up there with Christmas quite honestly!! I look forward to it, I celebrate it all week long (because I can), and when it's over, I'm thoroughly disappointed. The fact that today I am 37 years old doesn't hurt or make me cringe...let's celebrate!!
Today is also my cousin's birthday, my aunt & uncle's anniversary, and my Jr. High science teacher's birthday. So let's celebrate them too! Diane, you're beautiful! Jim & Jeanine...Congratulations on 43 years! And Mr. Johnson...never liked science, but you were always one of my favorite teachers - So have a wonderful day!!
And for the rest of you...just because it isn't your birthday doesn't mean that it's not a day to celebrate! It's another day we've been given to love one another, laugh together, and live the life that God has given us to it's absolute fullest.
Psalm 118:24 - This is the very day God acted - let's celebrate and be festive!