Enough Room...
I'm reminiscing a bit for this one - but it was one of those moments that when it happened, I knew the memory would stay with me forever. One Sunday morning at church, when "Big D" was all of 5 years old, he did what everyone does at some point in their sandle-wearing life. He caught his toe under a door and ripped the toenail off. It still makes me cringe, 4 years later. Needless to say, at the time there was blood and a lot of tears. That night as he was getting ready to go to sleep, and I was tucking him into bed, I could see his mind working as he asked: "Mom? Our bodies are filled with bones and blood right?" Yes... (I really had no idea where this was going, but apparently the sight of his blood had made some impact on him!) "And Jesus lives in our heart, right?" (Okay, you really have been listening!) "But mom, with all that stuff in our bodies ~ Won't Jesus get squished?" Oh...wow...okay, I wasn't expecting that from my 5 year...