I have a story to tell...
...and it scares me out of my mind to tell it. I'm not harboring some deep, dark secret. But it is such a personal journey I have taken, that for me to put it out there makes me feel like I'm standing here naked for the entire world to see, judge, criticize and sympathize.
For almost 3 years now, it's been sitting in a binder in my basement, and I didn't really know what I was supposed to do with it. So I offer to whomever is reading this, my story and testimony of healing. Of where I was, and where my ever faithful God has brought me to.
We may live a righteous life following God's commands, but we might still face overwhelming struggles. The book of Job reminds us that our suffering is not necessarily evidence of sin in our lives. Rather, it is evidence that, even in our suffering, God is in control and has a purpose. We can trust God to bring good out of our suffering both for ourselves and for those we love.*
Can we trust Him enough to claim the words of Psalm 119:65 (NASB) - "You have dealt well with your servant, O Lord, according to your word. " instead of echoing the accusation of the Israelites in Malachi 3:14 - "It doesn't pay to serve God. What did we ever get out of it? When we did what He said...what difference did it make?"
Yes, I have a story to tell, and it is going to unfold here on this crazy mom's blog. If it ministers to you then I give my Savior all of the glory for that, for it is only because of Him that I am able to even tell this story at all.
(To be continued...)
* - The Mom's Devotional Bible: Introduction to the Book of Job. NIV. Zondervan 1996
For almost 3 years now, it's been sitting in a binder in my basement, and I didn't really know what I was supposed to do with it. So I offer to whomever is reading this, my story and testimony of healing. Of where I was, and where my ever faithful God has brought me to.
We may live a righteous life following God's commands, but we might still face overwhelming struggles. The book of Job reminds us that our suffering is not necessarily evidence of sin in our lives. Rather, it is evidence that, even in our suffering, God is in control and has a purpose. We can trust God to bring good out of our suffering both for ourselves and for those we love.*
Can we trust Him enough to claim the words of Psalm 119:65 (NASB) - "You have dealt well with your servant, O Lord, according to your word. " instead of echoing the accusation of the Israelites in Malachi 3:14 - "It doesn't pay to serve God. What did we ever get out of it? When we did what He said...what difference did it make?"
Yes, I have a story to tell, and it is going to unfold here on this crazy mom's blog. If it ministers to you then I give my Savior all of the glory for that, for it is only because of Him that I am able to even tell this story at all.
(To be continued...)
* - The Mom's Devotional Bible: Introduction to the Book of Job. NIV. Zondervan 1996