2020 - Game On.

I am officially calling 2019 - CLOSED. I am also officially calling GAME ON for the new year. I was writing in a journal this morning - a brand new, full of clean lined pages, journal - and Mr. D. caught on and asked me about it. Nope, not journaling. Not really. More like..."Note taking" I've been thinking about this over recent weeks, and I know that change is in order. Look, I'm an advocate - it's what I do - I fight to make change happen. And I recognize that I need to begin advocating for myself... More than meaningless New Year's Resolutions. I know that I can't be everything and do everything, every day. And in between watching my family grow up right before my eyes, my part-time paying job, and my full-time volunteer job - chaos is reigning. But I can still take the time - little pieces, here and there, to find happiness again. Day 1 was a success - full of little steps, and I succeeded in not trying to take on the ...