He's Yours.

I've been sitting on this for the past 7 days, contemplating how to pull out all of the thoughts that were filling my head and had been trying to claw their way out. Yet each time I sat down and started to type, the thoughts were silenced, and my fingers hovered merely over my keyboard, not knowing where to go. Sometimes it's a good thing to sit and ponder on all of those thoughts for awhile. So I'm sitting here a week later, the thoughts are still here in my head, and I'm much less of an emotional mom-mess. Three weeks ago, my 18-year old FINALLY got his driver's license. I don't care what anyone says, the first day that your child gets behind the wheel and drives off on his own...even when it is just a short distance away to his friend's house, you Just. Stop. Breathing. And you don't start breathing again until the car has pulled back into the driveway (Heaven forbid, should an emergency vehicle drive by with lights and siren...