My Child Will Not Be Labeled This Way
Test scores arrived today. I wasn't dreading them, in fact you might say I was anxiously awaiting them. I wanted to once and for all, put my daughter's testing experience to bed. Last spring, she sat for her first experience with New York state's assessments. If I have anything to say about it, I would like to say that last spring my daughter also sat for her LAST experience with New York state's assesments. I don't write because I'm upset with her scores. I honestly don't care about them. I won't tell her about them, she doesn't even know they arrived in the mail. I am upset because these scores will not be useful for her education. They will be used to score the teachers at her school in their Annual Professional Performance Review. 8 year old was used. I'm told that the scores will be used to help "guide instruction." I'm not sure how. We're 3 weeks into the school year, the teachers know ...