Rest Little One...

I received a phone call Sunday morning. I was out of town...out of state even. I stared at the unknown number debating if I should answer. I nearly didn't. It was a phone call that nobody ever wants to be on the receiving end of. Even when not directly related, you never want to hear news like this. The death of a child... The unexpected death of a precious little 21 month old little angel girl. It's just ...well how can it be anything other than just WRONG . Friday morning I will go to my church, hold a grandma's hand whose heart is breaking over the loss of her grand-daughter. I will love the momma whose life will never be the same now that her home is minus one child, and I will hug the little boy...the 4 year old little boy who is missing his little sister. And then I will come home and have a good ol' fashioned stern "talking-to" to God about His choices on giving and taking away as He chooses. I will love my children as they come home from school, and I ...